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Beth Israel Funds

  • Ada & Isidore Margolis Memorial Religious School Fund
    • Tuition covers only 50% of the costs of Religious School. This fund helps the Religious School to acquire new furniture, equipment, and supplies. 
  • Adult Library Fund
    • Purchasing the library books available at Beth Israel Main Adult Library.
  • Art Fund
    • Purchasing art objects for the synagogue which make an aesthetic difference.
  • BIRS Scholarship Fund
    • Providing scholarships to children so that they may attend the Beth Israel Religious School. An investment in the future of Beth Israel.
  • Building & Infrastructure Fund
    • Planning, maintenance, and building improvements.
  • Building Accessibility Fund
    • Making the building and worship areas accessible to all people with physical challenges.
  • Building Renovation Fund
    • Underwriting the costs of planning and major construction projects for Beth Israel
  • Cemetery Landscaping Fund
    • Helping to landscape the new section of the Beth Israel Memorial Gardens with shady trees and attractive bushes.
  • Chapel Renovation Fund
    • Underwriting the costs of remodeling of the downstairs chapel.
  • Childcare Fund
    • Helping to defray the costs of providing Childcare so parents of young children may enjoy Shabbat and Holiday services
  • Culinary Fund
    • Providing needed equipment for the kitchen.
  • Eli Ladin Israel Scholarship Fund
    • Helping Beth Israel teens to visit and study in Israel - a major factor in Jewish continuity.
  • Flower Fund
    • Purchasing flowers to beautify the Sanctuary.
  • General Donations
    • Underwriting important expenses not covered by other funds.
  • Gerda Seligson Adult Education Fund
    • Underwrites the costs of academic speakers to present at Beth Israel.
  • Green Team Fund
    • Underwrites greening efforts at Beth Israel and beyond, including the Beth Israel community garden and composting efforts.
  • Harold & Jean Grossman Fund
    • Established by Art & Mary Schuman and Irv & Nancy Leon in memory of Mary and Nancy's parents, Harold & Jean Grossman, this fund underwrites programming and engagement opportunities at Beth Israel Congregation.
  • Henry Gershowitz Building Fund
    • Refurbishing the Social Hall and Kitchen areas of the synagogue building. 
  • Hilma Geffen Memorial Fund
    • Provides for important projects which benefit the office.
  • Joseph Newhouse Beth Israel Musical Enhancement Fund
    • Enhance and support religious services and congregation communal events through music.
  • Kiddush Donations
    • Helping to underwrite the cost of providing Shabbat kiddush.
  • Krickstein Youth Library Fund
    • Purchasing all the youth library books available at Beth Israel.
  • Maintenance Equipment Fund
    • Purchasing expensive items not normally covered in a particular year's budget.
  • Marilyn & Samuel Krimm Musical Arts Fund
    • Underwrites the purchase of musical instruments and music supplies for the Religious School and synagogue.
  • Men's Group Fund
    • Provides funds for activities of a men's group or activities of a joint men and women's group, and/or to support the annual activities which the former Men's Club was involved with.
  • Miriam S. Joffe Samson Jewish Family Life Programming Fund
    • Helps to underwrite materials and programming for Jewish educational programs aimed at families.
  • Miriam's Cup Fund
    • Miriam’s Cup Fund is dedicated to supporting young families in need due to health and special needs, and/or in crisis, and/or experiencing infant loss, as determined by the rabbi or executive director. The fund was created in memory of Miriam Swerdlow, who in her 45 minutes in this world, healed and brightened the lives around her. The fund is intended to help Miriam continue brightening the world and making it a better place, by, through her memory, helping families who need some assistance facing the challenges of caring for their children.
  • Morris & Marilyn Friedman Jewish Camp Fund
    • Providing scholarships to Jewish camps to congregation members.
  • Office Equipment Fund
    • Provides for some major purchases which increase the efficiency of the office.
  • Pikuach Nefesh (Heath and Welfare) Fund
    • Provides for maintenance of the Automated External Defibrillator and first aid and medical supplies or equipment.
  • (Kessel Memorial) Prayer Book Fund
    • Acquiring new prayer books, which may also be dedicated in memory of or in honor of a particular person with a predetermined amount of contribution.
  • Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
    • Helping worthy organizations and people in need.
  • Richard A. Seid Teacher Stipend Fund
    • Provide a stipend to teachers in the religious school for outstanding teaching, research, or writing on Jewish subjects, or to local educators tasked with writing special curricula designed to enhance religious school offerings for current teachers to utilize. 
  • Ron & Elana Sussman Education Fund
    • The Ron and Elana Sussman Education Fund was founded in 2022 to honor the Sussmans’ contributions to the Jewish learning and practice of the Beth Israel community.  Funds may be disbursed at the discretion of the rabbi or by the Board for any activities, experiences, or resources that can support and enhance Jewish learning across the lifespan.  This goal can include any age, and may be used for individual, small group, or whole congregation opportunities for learning.
  • Rosenberg Lecture Fund
    • Underwriting the costs of a Judaic scholar to speak at Beth Israel.
  • Sa'ad Helping Hand Fund
    • Helping individuals in need.
  • Samuel & Eva Benjamin Memorial Youth Activities Fund
    • Subsidizing exciting programs for youth.
  • Shivah Tray Fund
    • Underwriting the cost of shivah trays for members.
  • Social Action Fund
    • Reaching out for the common good of our Ann Arbor community and the world.
  • Torah Restoration Fund
    • For the ongoing repairs of our Torah Scrolls. 
Fri, October 18 2024 16 Tishrei 5785