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Camp Style Shabbat

We love to have family friendly services on Friday nights with kids helping to lead the prayers following dinner.  Here are some of the prayers we do:

K/1 Bim BamCandle-lighting BlessingHamotzi, Kiddush
2/3: Lekha Dodi chorus, Veshamru, Shema, Adon Olam
4/5  Lekha Dodi verses, Shalom Rav, Aleinu,  First page Amidah
6/7 Chatzi Kaddish
Order of Service:
Bim Bam, Candle-lighting, Juice Blessing, Hamotzi (K/1)
Lekha Dodi (2/3 and 4/5 - p. 23 then 25)
Barkhu (p 39a)
Veshamru (2/3 - p. 56)
Shema (2/3)
VeAhavta (communal)
Hashkiveinu (communal)
Chatzi Kaddish (6/7 - p. 46)
Amidah (4/5 - p 46)
Shalom Rav (4/5)
Aleinu (4/5 - pp 56-57)
Mourners Kaddish (p. 58)
Adon Olam (2/3 - p. 211)

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785