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Community Havdalah and Who Knows One?

Saturday, January 20, 2024 10 Shevat 5784

6:30 PM - 8:30 PMJCC

Beth Israel Congregation, Temple Beth Emeth, and the Jewish Community Center of Ann Arbor, present “Who Knows One?” a gameshow with Micah Hart. On January 20, 2024, at 6:15, the event will open with community Havdalah, and then the games begin. This event is made possible by a grant from the Jewish Federation of Ann Arbo's Community Engagement Fund. 

What is “Who Knows One?” Think of a time you played Jewish Geography with an apparent stranger and you immediately made a friend, and you’ve got the idea! Sitting at home during the COVID-19 Pandemic, founder Micah Hart sought a way to bring people together. He realized that people were isolated from their loved ones, friends, and co-workers, and were looking for a way to stay connected. This show was his way of creating a feeling of connection — by playing off an authentic truth about the Jewish people: we are all a part of a larger community. This event is full of connections and reconnections, often in surprising and unexpected ways. “Who Knows One?” brings joy to Jewish communities in unprecedented times. You may have seen the show on zoom, but join us in-person as BIC, TBE, and the JCC bring us together for the game that will expand your mishpocheh as you race to figure out who the “The Chosen One” is, listen to stories of Jewish Geography from your friends and neighbors, and create a new chavurah as you exclaim, “me too!” when someone shares a little-known fact about themselves. Do you have a story about how Jewish geography impacted your life? We want to feature you! Share your story with Barb at

All ticket prices include a drink ticket. Individual tickets are $30, couples are $50, and additional drink tickets are $5. If you’d like to get a table for you and 7 friends (8 people total), we’ll throw in an extra round of drinks! Tables are $200 with two drink tickets per person. 

Click here to purchase your tickets.

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Fri, January 10 2025 10 Tevet 5785