JCOR - Jewish Congregations Organized for Resettlement
JCOR - Jewish Congregations Organized for Resettlement
The New JCOR Family Is in Their Home, the Boys Are in School, & JCC Soon Will Rock to the Rhythms of Klezmer at JCOR's 2nd Annual Fundraiser
JCOR’s third refugee family--a Syrian family of five--moved from temporary lodgings to permanent affordable housing on February 25. With a permanent address, the three boys (14, 10, and 8 years old) began classes in the AAPS system less than a week after move-in, and the eldest signed up for extracurriculars on his first day. Relieved that their boys feel welcome and supported in their new schools, Mom and Dad are redoubling their focus on learning English.
Their pleasantly bright little apartment is nicely furnished through donations procured by JCOR volunteers, and the cupboards and fridge are well-stocked for the celebratory needs of Ramadan. All three boys have resolved to fast for the month through daytime hours, and their schools have already put in place ways to help them keep their resolve during the school day.
In addition to arranging transport to and from medical appointments, grocery shopping trips, and other necessary errands for which a bus cannot suffice, JCOR volunteers are working on arrangements for the family of five to travel to and from the mosque as requested for the month-long holiday. Let us know if you have or are aware of a five- or six-passenger vehicle that we can borrow for that drive, or if you would like to help in that capacity.
For more information, check out the JCOR website or write to Beth Israel's JCOR representatives Michael Appel or Deborah Greene. JCOR is an all-volunteer organization. Be sure to get your tickets for The Joys of Klezmer, JCOR’s April 7 fundraiser at JCC, featuring three of Ann Arbor’s hottest klezmer groups. Or click here to make a donation.
Jewish Congregations Organized for Resettlement (JCOR) is an all-volunteer collaboration among six Ann Arbor area congregations: Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan, Beth Israel Congregation, Jewish Cultural Society, Pardes Hannah, Reconstructionist Congregation, andTemple Beth Emeth who work in partnership with Jewish Family Services to help newly arrived refugees start their lives in the Ann Arbor area.
Beth Israel Congregation is honored to be recognized, as a participating member of Jewish Congregations Organized for Resettlement, in the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor's inaugural PILLAR Award which recognizes Exemplary Philanthropy, Engagement and Covening. Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County was JCOR's co-recipient of the Award.
JCOR in the News!
>Washtenaw Jewish News, March 2024
>Washtenaw Jewish News, page 13, February 2024
>Washtenaw Jewish News, page 11, October 2023
>Washtenaw Jewish News, pages 3&18, August 2023
> Washtenaw Jewish News, June 2023
> Detroit Jewish News, March 20, 2023
> Washtenaw Jewish News, March 2023, page 15
Original Information: (Originally Publish Summer 2022)
Most of our family histories include stories of caring people who stepped up to help our great-grandparents, grandparents, or parents resettle in this country. Today we are challenged to step up and help another generation of refugees.
You have seen the news: The United States initially expected to admit 125,000 refugees this year. Then 80,000 more arrived from Afghanistan. Now, an additional 100,000 Ukrainian refugees are expected.
Jewish Family Services (JFS) is working tirelessly to do its share here in Washtenaw County and is requesting OUR help.
To this end, representatives from Beth Israel Congregation, Temple Beth Emeth, the Jewish Cultural Society, the Ann Arbor Reconstructionist Congregation, Pardes Hannah, and the Ann Arbor Orthodox Minyan have come together to form Jewish Congregations Organized for Resettlement (JCOR), whose purpose is to support resettlement of a refugee family. Also, the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor will provide fiduciary oversight for all funds donated and disbursed in support of this purpose. And now we need YOU!
Volunteers are needed for committees that will work in partnership with JFS staff to help refugee family members reestablish their independent lives here and orient to American culture. With training from JFS staff, we will do this by helping refugees with: housing, transportation, and employment; healthcare and financial planning; and childcare, schooling, and adult ESL classes as necessary. We also need a cadre of on-call volunteers to help with short-notice critical needs, like last-minute transportation or child care coverage.
Altogether, we are seeking 30 to 50 volunteers, who can be available up to three hours per week during the first two months after the family’s arrival. The time commitments will decrease gradually as the family members become more independent during their first year in the United States.
Of course, we need help with fundraising. JFS recommends collecting $7,000 to $20,000 over the course of the family’s first year. Of this, $4,000 should be available upon the family’s arrival to help cover initial costs.
No one congregation will be singularly responsible or individually committed to provide a specific number of volunteers or a specific amount of funding. But we believe that collectively our Jewish Community can make a difference for our new arrivals and help JFS meet its decades-long dedication to resettlement.
Visit the JCOR online volunteer sign-up form, where you can choose the team in which your expertise, your experience, and your passion for Tikkun Olam will have the greatest impact. Click here to access the volunteer sign-up form.
Additionally, all JCOR volunteers will complete the JFS volunteer form which will facilitate the required background check for all JCOR volunteers. Please complete the JFS form now.
Click here to access the secure Federation/JCOR donation website.
Thank you! The family members we help resettle today will be the grandparents of tomorrow. As a volunteer in this effort, YOU will make a difference to their future generations!
For more information, please contact:
Beth Israel Congregation:
Michael Appel at mappel1961@gmail.com
Deborah Greene at greenedm@umich.edu
Or email: JCORAnnArbor@gmail.com
Thu, March 27 2025
27 Adar 5785
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