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Mission & Vision

Beth Israel Congregation is an egalitarian synagogue. Our mission is to connect people to Torah, to one another, and  to the world through Jewish practices, texts, and activities, balancing tradition and innovation. We are part of the  Conservative movement and actively welcome and promote diversity and inclusion and are committed to growing as  a community of gathering, learning, prayer and joy.

We will achieve our mission through:

A:  Warm, welcoming gatherings focused on ritual, learning, and celebration.

B:  Building and sustaining a caring community, a community in which each member’s individuality – gender/observance/stage of life/affinity group – is recognized and affirmed for its contributions to our collective  well-being. A community which also supports one another through identifiable stages of life.

C:  Raising our children to become confident and capable participants in Jewish life, and ambassadors to the wider  world, based on a strong foundation of positive in-depth religious education, meaningful youth programming,  and opportunities for service and leadership.

D:  Engaging our community with creative programming and deep learning.

E:  Expressing Jewish social conscience, social activism and environmental sustainability through acts of Tikkun  Olam (repairing the world).

F:  Implementing effective, participatory governance and excellent organizational management.

G:  Developing a stable, long-term financial structure and a culture of philanthropy.

H:  Identifying, attracting, and connecting with potential members of all ages and life stages, while actively  deepening connections with existing members.

I:  Providing and maintaining an aesthetically pleasing synagogue building, facilities, and grounds, that are  welcoming and serve our community.


To learn about our clergy and staff, and to view their contact information, click here.



Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785