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Pesach at Beth Israel

Passover Project 2023

Beth Israel has had a long tradition of ensuring that all members have a place to go during Passover for the first and second Seders.

Are you having a Seder and have room at your table for guests?
Are you looking for somewhere to go for one or both of the Seders?
Are you all set with your arrangements and don't need any assistance?

Please click here and fill out the form so we can help match those who need a place t go for a Seder with those who have space at their table. If you have any questions, please contact Barb McAnelly at

Please submit your answers by Sunday, April 2 to ensure we have time to place everyone.

Passover Events and Services

Seder Songs with Cantor Devorah
Sunday March 26 - 3:00 p.m.
Small Social Hall

Cantor Devorah Fick will lead a session for those who want to learn traditional Pesach songs! Whether you've led countless seders, this is your first time, or anything in between, join Cantor Devorah as we learn some traditional seder tunes. We'll also have a presentation from Jonathan Barahal-Taylor about his project digitally archiving unique ancestral seder songs.

Tips for a Successful Seder with Rav Nadav
Saturday, April 1 - 12:00 p.m. (approx.)
Small Social Hall

Join Rav Nadav after Shabbat morning services and learn his tips for a successful Seder. Help yourself to kiddush and join him in the small social hall.

Siyyum Taanit Bechorot
Wednesday, April 4 - 7:30 a.m.
G & S 2010 Building - Lower Level

Zachary Bernstein and Zecharyah Carruthers lead Shacharit and teach a Siyyum to break the fast of the firstborn. They will be finishing the second perek of Makkot and teaching a short sugya from that perek that has applications for Passover.

Passover Service Times*:

Wednesday, April 5 - 7:30 a.m. Siyyum Taanit Bechorot

Wednesday, April 5 - No evening minyan

Thursday, April 6 - 9:30 a.m. First Day Passover Service

Friday. April 7 - 9:30 a.m. Second Day Passover Service

Wednesday, April 12 - 9:30 a.m. Seventh Day Passover Service

Thursday, April 13 - 9:30 a.m. Eighth Day Passover Service with Yizkor

* - Passover Services will be held in person and virtually via Zoom and YouTube

Omer Counting Mystical Bootcamp
Sunday, April 9 - 7:00 p.m.
Via Zoom only

Join Rav Nadav for a Zoom session to practice the mystical journey of  Omer counting! This Zoom session will take place on Sunday, April 9 from 7:00 p.m. to 7:45 p.m., followed by minyan at 7:45 p.m., all on the evening minyan zoom link.

Passover Resources

Selling Your Chameitz
To sell your chameitz to Rabbi Caine, click here.

Rabbinical Assembly Pesah Guide 5783
This guide is intended to help families maintain a kosher for Pesah home in accordance with the principles of Conservative Judaism and its understanding of Jewish law. Click here

Instructions for Bedikat/Biur Chameitz
Click here for instructions for Bedikat/Biur Chameitz, the afikomen-like search for chameitz and the nullification declaration.

Kashering Your Kitchen
Click here for a helpful video

Kitniyot (Beans, Rice, Soy, and Legumes)
Chameitz (leavened grains) is any product made with any amount of wheat, barley, oats, rye, spelt, or their derivatives, that is not matzah (and so has possibly leavened). The custom of avoiding rice, beans, nuts, corn, and soy (kitniyot) is based on notions of their flour leavening (which they do not) and concerns of cross contamination with forbidden grains in the marketplace. The Conservative Movement has ruled, as have most halakhic codes through the centuries, that such concerns are unjustified, and so the custom has no basis, but that Ashkenazim may preserve these customs if they choose to out of reverence for their family traditions. Otherwise, rice, beans, nuts, corn, and soy are kosher for passover without a passover heksher and may be eaten during Passover as long as they are purchased before Passover so any accidental chameitz is nullified during the Bedikat/Biur Chameitz ceremony on Erev Pesach. (In halakhic language; the nullification of 1/60 contamination applies before Pesach but not during.) In such a case, it is essential one recite the nullification declaration on the morning before the seder which can be found here. For a summary of the relevant sources and reasoning on the matter, click here for a source sheet compiled by Rabbi Caine.

Hadar Pesah Reader
With insights from Hadar faculty and activities for children and families, this Pesah reader is your guide for noticing, wondering, and finding new meaning in the holiday. Click here.

Passover Resources from Keshet
Passover is a holiday of liberation, storytelling, gathering, and envisioning the world as it should be. Click here for haggadah inserts, readings, and reflections to enhance your Passover celebrations and engage with Keshet's ongoing work for LGBTQ liberation.

Downloadable Haggadot
Rabbinical Assembly's Feast of Freedom Haggadah
Mission from Moses Role Play Haggadah
Passover Meditation Guide Haggadah
The LGBTQ+ Seder Haggadah
The HIAS Haggadah
Justice & Redemption Seder from Truah
Mental Health Seder Plate
The Coloring Book Haggadah
Rav Nadav's First Seder Haggadah
Rav Nadav's Folk Musical Second Seder
Create your own at

Equal Exchange: Fair Trade Kosher for Passover Chocolate
The gift of freedom bestows upon us the obligation to work for the liberation of all people. Extend freedom by purchasing chocolate that foes not depend on forced and child labor. Click here.

Mon, January 6 2025 6 Tevet 5785