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Kabbalah Intensive Materials

Chart of the Sefirot

Good Introduction to Kabbalah Book Download 

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive One - True Torah as the Underlying Structure of the Universe which is the Behavior of Divine Energy

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Two - True First Adam as The Image of God Itself, the Patterns of that Energy Behavior

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Three - Chesed and Gevurah as the most Accessible Pattern (Discussion-based Session with focus on the Avraham - Yitzchak pattern)

Video Recording of the REVIEW SESSION of the above

Handout  of the Shabbat Amidot for Kabbalah Intensive Four - Shabbat as a Kabbalist 

Video Recording of Kabbalah Intensive Four - Shabbat as a Kabbalist

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Five - Ein Sof, Keter, and the Burning Bush:  Everyone is Getting "God" Wrong!

Video Recordings of Kabbalah Intensive Five:  Part One and Part Two

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Six - Zohar: Sages on Shabbat EveningVideo of Kabbalah Intensive Six here.  (It cut off after an hour of recording.)

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Seven:  Good and Evil in Kabbalah.  Recording here.

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Eight:  Hod and Netzach. (No recording: while we successfuly Zoomed, I forgot to press Record.  My skills are a work in progress, but we'll get there.)

Handout for Kabbalah Intensive Nine:  Prayer and Devekut.

Handout for Kabbalah:  Kabbalah in Tefillah (Lkha Dodi, Yedid Nefesh, El Adon and more)

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785