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Religious School

Beth Israel Religious School: Experience the Joy of Jewish Community

Our Philosophy:

It can seem like there is a lot to know in order to be a Jew; Judaism is a religion, a people, and a shared set of cultural touchstones. Feeling a sense of ownership of one’s Jewish identity begins by finding meaning, purpose, and joy within these paths to Jewish identity.

Beth Israel Religious School (BIRS) guides students so they have the skills necessary to understand and confidently participate in religious observances and rituals, including feeling comfortable on the bimah; to contribute to and experience a joyful, supportive community; and to connect with Jewish history, values and cultures.

Our School's Goals:  

BIRS students will b
ecome confident, joyful participants in Jewish ritual life, make friends and develop a peer-support system, become knowledgeable ambassadors of the Jewish people and Israel, have deep, non-literal interactions with Torah, and become knowledgeable about the guidance the Jewish tradition provides for addressing modern, real-life challenges.

Additionally, we seek to enable students to connect with the world through their own Jewish lens. To facilitate this, students will study Jewish texts and traditions for relevance and meaning, learn about Israel, study Jewish history, learn to understand and lead holiday rituals, read (decode) Hebrew, and actively and meaningfully participate in religious services.

Our Content: 

Our youngest students, ages 2-4, are invited to join our Gan Katan. This class is designed for our young learners to participate in class with a grown up. Class meets on BIRS Sundays from 10am-11am once or twice a month. Gan Katan students explore and experience the joys of movement, creative, and play-based activities, including singing, story-time, arts and crafts, and have meaningful "Torah encounters" and "field trips" to the chapel, sanctuary, and BIRS classrooms.

Elementary school students learn and discuss Torah stories, learn about and experience the joys of Shabbat and Jewish community, explore Jewish diversity, learn about famous Jewish role models past and present, participate in tefillot (prayer leaders) services, sing songs, learn to decode Hebrew, study middot (Jewish values) and Jewish laws, celebrate holidays, and create meaningful Jewish friendships.

Our 6th and 7th grade students work on prayers directly relevant to leading a Saturday morning service, prepare for their bar/bat/brit mitzvah through our Rabbi-led "journeys" program (which includes sessions with parents), study Antisemitism and the Holocaust, learn about the history of Israel, and master Jewish life-cycle events. In addition, students study closely with Rav Nadav the "deep" vs "literal" meanings of Torah that will shape their own decisions and choices of their own belief system. During this precious time preparing for bar/bat/brit mitzvah together, students form a supportive peer group with a lasting bond. For detailed information regarding our Bnei Mitzvah process, click here.

Learning to be Leaders: Our 8th-12th graders have the opportunity to join our Madrichim (guide) program where students study and practice leadership, communication and teaching skills, and learn to serve the BIRS and BIC community as tutors, game and activity leaders, teacher aides, peer helpers, and school and synagogue volunteers. For more detailed info, click here. To register for Madrichim, click here.

Additionally, our 9-12 Graders can choose to take a deep dive into eye-opening and relevant Jewish topics in our Hebrew High(er) learning program. *more information coming in August here.

For more information about Beth Israel Religious School, please contact our BIRS Director at

Questions about Madrichim and/or our Hebrew High(er) learning program? Please contact our Youth and Family Director and Madrihim Teacher, Ben Brent at

"Do I Have to be a Member of Beth Israel to Enroll my Child?"

Bringing children into a life of Jewish commitment, identity, and community, is one of the primary missions of our synagogue: to pass on the tradition in an unbroken chain l'dor vador, from generation to generation. For this reason, Beth Israel membership highly subsidizes the cost of educating its children, as the actual cost of BIRS education far exceeds fees for tuition. For this reason, membership and school enrollment are intertwined: when you join Beth Israel, you become a part of the Beth Israel community, and Beth Israel in turn subsidizes your child's education. Membership dues are charitable donations, and Beth Israel adjusts membership costs to meet your circumstances and your agreement. In addition, your membership allows you access to need-based scholarship funds even for the subsidized BIRS tuition fees.

Tuition and Meeting Schedule by Grade

Gan Katan $218
Meets Sundays for one hour one to two times per month.

Kindergarten-1st Grade  $540
Meets Sundays for two hours.

2nd-5th Grade $918
Meets Sundays for two hours and Wednesday for 90 minutes.

6th-7th Grade  $980
Meets Sundays for two hours and Wednesday for 90 minutes.

8th-12th Grade Madrichim (Guide/Leadership Program)  $518
Meets Sundays for two hours  

Hebrew High(er) Learning School *More information coming in August here.

To register for the 2024-2025 school year, click here.

To see the BIRS calendar for the 2024-2025 school year, click here.

To read the BIRS policies and procedures, click here.

A Special, Heart-felt Thank You!

Thank you for registering your child/children in Beth Israel's Religious School, and thank you to the funds and their donors who support our students and our school. We are grateful!  L'dor vador!

To donate to the BIC funds (listed below) that support our amazing school, click here. 

  • Ada & Isidore Margolis Memorial Religious School Fund: Tuition covers only 50% of the costs of Religious School. This fund helps the Religious School to acquire new furniture, equipment, and supplies. 
  • BIRS Scholarship Fund: Provides scholarships to children so that they may attend the Beth Israel Religious School. An investment in the future of Beth Israel.
  • Krickstein Youth Library Fund: Purchasing all the youth library books available at Beth Israel.
  • Marilyn & Samuel Krimm Musical Arts Fund: Underwrites the purchase of musical instruments and music supplies for the Religious School and synagogue.
  • Miriam's Cup Fund: Supports families in need due to health and special needs, and/or in crisis, to support children and parents caring for children. Contact the rabbi for confidential needs.
  • Richard A. Seid Teacher Stipend Fund: Provides a stipend to teachers in the religious school for outstanding teaching, research, or writing on Jewish subjects, or to local educators tasked with writing special curricula designed to enhance religious school offerings for current teachers to utilize. 
  • Ron & Elana Sussman Education Fund: Founded in 2022 to honor the Sussmans’ contributions to the Jewish learning and practice of the Beth Israel community. Funds may be disbursed at the discretion of the rabbi or by the Board for any activities, experiences, or resources that can support and enhance Jewish learning across the lifespan. This goal can include any age, and may be used for individual, small group, or whole congregation opportunities for learning.
Thu, March 6 2025 6 Adar 5785