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Get to know us by participating in our services. Go to our Google Sheet Sign-up and Start Participating!

Service participation is an vital part of Shabbat and holiday services at Beth Israel. New readers are always welcome. You can make an important contribution to the Beth Israel community by signing up. Experienced, intermediate, and beginning readers all participate.  For those moving to the area, this is a wonderful way to get involved in the Beth Israel community.

There are two ways to get involved.  One is to talk with our ritual assistant.  We also use an electronic sign-up system through our Google Sheet here to reserve a Torah reading, Haftarah, and Service Parts (including Pesukei DeZimrah, Shacharit, Torah Service, and Musaf).

Of course, please be flexible -- sometimes we have last minute requests to participate for special reasons.  If we need to reassign your assignment, we'll contact you directly to discuss.

Lev Shalem and Sim Shalom Siddur Page Numbers

Streaming the service but still using a Sim Shalom?  Here is some help.

Friday Night
Lev Shalem Page Number =  Sim Shalom Page Number
10 = 14
11 = 15
23 = 21
27 = 23
30 = 24
39 = 28
41 = 30
45 = 33
47ff = 35b ff
53 = 47
56 = 51
58 = 52

Saturday Morning
Lev Shalem Page Number =  Sim Shalom Page Number
103 = 65
120 = 81
121 = 82
122 = 83
132 = 92
142 = 101
145 = 104
147 = 105
151 = 108
155 = 112
159ff = 115b ff
168 = 139
181 = 151
183 = 153
177 = 148
184 = 155
204 = 182
205 = 183
207 = 184
211 = 187

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785