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USY (Grades 9-12)

A2USY, (pronounce A-Twosy, short for Ann Arbor United Synagogue Youth) is Beth Israel's youth group for high schoolers. As a part of the national USY organization under USCJ, we aim to provide our members first and foremost with the opportunity to meet and build friendships with other Jewish teens. This is done primarily through awesome chapter programming and participation in regional and nation-wide events.

Unlike our other two youth groups, USY is primarily student-led. Eventually a full teen board will determine, plan, promote, and run every event USY has! 

Please see below for the full list of USY events though May 2025. Note that many more events will be created and set by the board, so please keep an eye out for updates and emails! Also, please note these dates do not include other events that may be relevant for this age group. To register or see other youth and family events please use the BIC calendar or navigate to the relevant pages. Events subject to change. 

  • Feb, Date and Time TBD: Ice Skating 
  • February 22nd, 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm: Israeli "panel" ( @ Youth Lounge)
  • March 21st: Potluck Friday Night Dinner 6-8pm (Off Campus) 
  • April 4-6th: USY Convention in Chicago
  • April 23rd, 6:00 pm -8:00 pm : Yom HaShoah Commemoration Event ( @ Youth Lounge)

 If you have any questions, please reach out to Ben Brent, our Youth & Family Programming Specialist at

Thu, March 27 2025 27 Adar 5785